Monday, March 29, 2010

Premiere Elements 4.0 Scratch disk...

Could someone explain to me what a scratch disk error is? Also, what has happened when you are in the middle of editing a project and suddenly all your clips go offline one by one? Where are they exactly?


Premiere Elements 4.0 Scratch disk...

Most likely, the Scratch Disk Error, has something to do with the drive, where you have located your Scratch Disks (usually with Project). Things like an I/O error with that hard drive (HDD), or it being full. Check your Edit%26gt;Preferences to see where your Scratch Disks are located. Then check the defragmented free space.

As for the Clips going Offline, they are still where they were, when you Imported them. What has happened is that the link in the PREL file (the Project file) has been broken for some reason. Likely the same problem as with the Scratch Disk.

My guess would be that your HDD is getting full, but that might not be the problem. It could be mechanical with the HDD.

Premiere Elements 4.0 Scratch disk...
Hi Hunt, thanks for that. Sorry to be an ignoramus - I am new to this! Can I move the scratch disks if necessary? What do they look like? What is an I/O error? Is there a way to reconnect the offline clips? And would clearing some space on the HDD solve the problems or just make them less likely to happen again?

I guess what I'm really asking is if you think we really have lost all the coursework for good or if something is retrievable.

Thanks for your help so far,



The Scratch Disk locations are set in Edit%26gt;Preferences, and yes, you can move them.

I/O is Input/Output, and here refers to your physical HDD (hard disk drives) setup. If you, for instance, only have one physical (not partitions) HDD, and it's getting full, moving the Scratch Disks will not likely help. A full cleanup of your system *might* help, depending on what you are able to move off of your drive(s). The FAQ's at the top of the main forum page, have recommendations for system cleanup and optimizing.

Either freeing up more deftagmented space, or adding more HDD's will likely help.

In the Project Panel in PE, you can relink your media. In Pro, it's Rt-click (on the offline file) and ''Relink Media.'' Should be the same, or similar in PE.

Now, if you have not done much editing, since you last did a Save, one thing that might save some time would be to do a Save_As_a_Copy, to make sure you have a backup of your Project. Then, shut it down, without doing a Save. Clean the system up and add an additional HDD, if necessary, then Open your Project (not the Save_As_a_Copy version. If you have not moved your Assets, from when you Imported them, PE should find these and automatically relink. If you have moved them, but the folder structure is the exact same, PE should ask you to relocate the first Asset, and then automatically relink all of the rest. If it's still showing that the Assets are offline, I'd go to the Save_As_a_Copy version (it'll contain all of your edits, up until you did that particular Save) and then just do the manual relinking for each offline Asset. If this does not work, there is something likely wrong with the HDD, on which your Assets are stored. If that is the case, and let's hope not, then you might want to give us the full description of your computer, especially the setup of your HDD's, the I/O. Outline your Project, and where the Assets were located, when you Imported them. This will help users determine the next step.

Good luck, and sorry for the jargon,


Thank you so much. Will be up with the dawn chorus to head into work and will get back to you with my progress. It's me who should apologise for not being up with the jargon! Hopefully I'll get there soon.


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