Thursday, April 1, 2010

Microphone / Headset recommendations...

After spending $65 on a Creative Fatality headset I could not get Premiere 5 to even recognize that the microphone was plugged in when I tried to do a narration. The microphone/headset was plugged into a USB port. Interestingly, Windows Movie Maker was able to recognize and record narration with no problem. Any ideas? recommendations?
Microphone / Headset recommendations...
USB-connected microphones can be iffy. If you want to use something you want to be sure will work with this program, use a microphone that's connected through your microphone connection.
Microphone / Headset recommendations...
Thanks, Steve. Any recommendations on a good microphone that works well with PE3?

You'll get the best quality and performance with a condenser mike. (They have a little battery inside which lasts for a very long time.)

You might be able to find a decent one online or at Radio Shack for under $20. (Needless to say, you can pay several hundred for a microphone -- though I don't think you'll need to for this.)

Very helpful! Thanks.

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