Thursday, April 1, 2010

HDV projects and Play back on regular TV

I am looking for some advice.

I capture HDV from miniDV-cam (Canon HV30) for editing in PreEl 7 HDV-projects (i.e. with a MPEG2 workflow).

Now while editing in PrEl I would like to play back on my ordinary (non HD-) TV, with only takes analog input.

I am familiar using the camcorder as an AV bridge between PC and analog TV, but this only works fine when editing DV. (Unless the record settings on the camera are switched to DV, the PC will not connect through Firewire. And in DV-mode, the signal from PrEl (while editing HDV) is not recognized; nothing happens.)

Am I doing something wrong. Or won't this just work with a camcorder, and do I need another device? Pyro A/V Link or something like that?

Or is it a matter of settings in PrEl?

Thanks for your help/input.

HDV projects and Play back on regular TV
What are you trying to play from, Felix?

A DVD player to your TV? Your computer to your TV?
HDV projects and Play back on regular TV
The Pyro Link will work to provide a TV Monitor, however I am not sure how this will look if you aren't using a HDV monitor. A standard monitor has much fewer pixels so I don't know what it would look like. I'm sure someone here will know the answer :)

Because there are stories to tell...

Steve, I am trying to play back HDV footage from PC (the Timeline of PrEl) to TV.

I want the WYSIWYG-effect you get when you play back directly on TV while editing.

(I have been busy once for hours to get rid of photoflashes in my clips. I had cut them all out manually. When I burned the project to DVD and showed it on TV, there they were again! Plus some jittery images, strange colors etc., which did not appear on the PrEl Monitor Panel. All due to the different ways a TV and a PC monitor operate. You know about this. In fact, all I know about it I learned from you :-). To avoid this, I make this bridge from PrEl/PC to Camcomder to (analog) TV.

Now I have a Canon HV30 and would like to edit in HDV and still have my real time WYSIWYG on the ordinary TV.

My problem is that I know how to use the Camcorder as a bridge for DV-projects, but can't get the system working on HDV-projects.

Would the Pyro A/V Link be able to do this?

Thanks again,


%26gt;Would the Pyro A/V Link be able to do this?

My guess would be no Felix, if the camera isn't working then I doubt the Pyro would as it is not any different.

I use the Pyro to monitor my standard def projects as it sounds like you have done with your camcorder, same principle. I would think that to do the same with a HDV project you would have to connect a HDV monitor, does the HV 30 have a DVI or HDMI out? If it does then you can most likely connect a HDV tv or monitor to that and it will work.

Yes, Chuck, the HV30 has an HDMI out. But I don't have a HDTV (or a Blue ray disc writer for that matter.) :-)

As that's still the case for most people I plan to give a copy of my DVD's to, I could downconvert the HDV footage to DV and edit in that mode.

But in a few years time it will be HDV all over the place, and then I would have to do the capturing and editing all over again...


It is my understanding that you can't connect an HD monitor to the firewire port and view your HD project. Both have to be SD. That is what I have found anyway.

Felix, I would always recommend capturing in the format you intend to end up with. If you are going to create SD DVDs then capture SD footage, the down conversion by Premiere Elements can be questionable.

The HV30 will down convert on capture and the quality will be very good.

Then you will be working in an SD project and your camcorder will work connected to the TV again :)

If you are going to create an HDV project and Blu Ray Disc then capture the HDV footage. I would bet that if you had an HDTV and connected it to the HV30 while connected to the computer that it would work, but that is just a guess.

So with your current situation you are probably going to have to live with just the Premiere Elements monitor, you can at least go full screen. Do you have a dual monitor setup or just one?

Chuck, I'll follow your advice to downconvert using the HV30. Did this before and it works fine. The avi-capture it produces is of course great for PrEl. And in that case I can use the TV screen indeed.

The only thing is that if - in future times - I want to burn the same project to HDV, I fear I will have to capture and edit all over again.

Screenwise, it's luxurious down here. I have two 1280x1024 monitors in a dual monitor setup; lots of space for all PrEl panels. And then there is the third TV screen just for play back.

Thank you all for your input.


Sounds a lot like my setup Felix :)

If you do downconvert on capture using the HV30, and in the future you want to do a HDV version, then you will have to start over. So I guess it is a decision you will need to make, how bad do you want the TV Monitor working? And how soon do you think you might want to start creating Blu Ray discs?

Right again Chuck. I'll go for the WYSIWYG with the TV screen.

By the time small sized (large ones don't fit on my desk) HDTV's get affordable, I'll consider switching to editing in HD...


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