Tuesday, December 6, 2011

PSE7 Send To PRE7 Error

I have a 776 slide, 25 minute slideshow created in PSE7 using high res photos (3-4Mb)that also includes 1 track of audio (MP3) composed of about 6 songs. When I send the slideshow to PRE7 using the PSE7 ''Send To'' command PRE7 crashes with an ''Unavoidable Error, Must Shut Down'' error during ''getting media''. It appears to get about 95% of the way through obtaining the media and transferring the individual pictures to the PRE7 Organizer when the fault ocurrs. My system is a 2.66 Ghz Intel quad core processor, 2GB RAM, running XP with all MS updates. Pictures are located on internal 500GB hard drive. I want to make both HD and Std DVDs of this slideshow. What could be the cause of the error during transfer from PSE to PRE. I haven't even gotten to the rendering phase. I understand that the resolution of the original photos may be a problem during rendering, but I have successfully done this very same thing on prior versions of PSE5 / PRE3 with more photos without down rezzing the photos and without PRE shutdown. Any ideas as to the cause?
PSE7 Send To PRE7 Error
Your photos are too large.

We recommend using photos at no larger than 1000x750 pixels, per the FAQs at the top of this forum.

PSE7 Send To PRE7 Error
I understand (now) from the FAQs that the photos are too large, however have not had problems in the past with PSE5 / PRE4. Any idea why?

But, more importantly, given that the slideshow is already built (links in PSE7 to the stored photos), is there an easy way to resize those photos w/o requiring the entire SS to be rebuilt? Or, could i break the SS into segments in PSE%26amp; and import as clips into PRE7?

I need to complete this SS in the next 2 days for use at a banquet. Help is greatly appreciated.


I also want to create an HD DVD using this SS. What photo size do you suggest? thanks again for the help.

Well, for HD, it would be about 1920x1080.

But once you get out into these sizes, you're going to really load heavy on your system. I certainly wouldn't try 750 slides on one load. More like 30-50 at once, if even that, and depending on my computer specs (particularly free, defragmented hard drive space, which you'll likely require dozens of gigs of for scratch files). And I'd keep those temp files down too, using my regular computer maintenance regimen, since any stray file could choke the process.


In other words, you're kind of in untested waters with a 776 hi-def slideshow, Joseph. You'll have to determine what kind of load your system can handle.

Steve, Appreciate the feedback. One other question from above, which you didn't answer...

''But, more importantly, given that the slideshow is already built (links in PSE7 to the stored photos), is there an easy way to resize those photos w/o requiring the entire SS to be rebuilt? Or, could i break the SS into segments in PSE%26amp; and import as clips into PRE7?''



I don't know, Joe.

You can batch resize the photos. Instructions for how are in the FAQ I linked you to above. But whether you need to break your slideshow into smaller pieces is something you'll have to test on your system.

First, ''an easy way to resize those photos w/o requiring the entire SS to be rebuilt''

No, I don't think that there is an easy way. And I am not sure if there is a way. In theory, if you edited each photo file individually by initiating that edit from within the PSE slide show editor that

b might

be possible. This COULD preserve links form the slide show to the newly downsized photo files. However at 776 slides I would not say easy and

b that still might not be sufficient

because of the number of slides at HD definition that would still need to be sent in a single Send Slideshow command and then encoded in Premiere Elements. We don't know if that will work on your system.

Second, ''could i break the SS into segments in PSE%26amp; and import as clips into PRE7?''

This is more promising. However first, I think that it is a


that you save your current PSE slide show

b project

under a different name and verify that the new thumbnail for the newly named project appears in your Organzer. Then use this

b differently named slide show project

for the next work.

You could try,

-- with photos at current resolution

-- delete all except the first 100 slides form the renamed project

-- Clean out all Temporary files of Windows and generally clear space from your hard drives

-- Start a Premiere Elements project with the HD parameters that you will use for your final output

-- Do the Send Slideshow to Premiere Elements and see what happens

-- If that works OK, test an export from Premiere Elements to a DV-AVI file

b An additional consideration not yet discussed -

It appears to me that your final output will be widescreen and many people have reported problems when taking a PSE slide show with

b pan or zoom

to Premiere Elements and doing HD widescreen output. So you need to do a test run of your final output once a partial slide show is successfully transferred to Premiere Elements.

b Comment on the music

I suspect that your music may not align with your slides once you have sent separate pieces of your slide show to Premiere Elements, so you may need to redo the music under Premiere Elements. Did you use the Fit Slides to Music setting in the PSE slide show?


Thanks much for your response. I did not resize the photos before starting because as I mentioned in the post, I've done this before (not HD but I haven't gotten to that point yet) with PSE5/PRE4 w/o problem. Obviously if I have to, I'm willing to resize the photos and rebuild the SS, but don't want to if that won't solve the problem. I'm leaning towards breaking the SS into 75-100 photo segments and building that way. You're correct in that the music won't align, but with a little work (less than resizing 700+ photos) I can build several standalone chapters that could be rendered into video files and then merged as clips (I think). Are you reasonably sure that the photo size is the problem? The other issue with resizing, which is why I haven't done it in the past either, is that I need the originals for prints and don't want to store duplicates of different sizes.

%26gt;Are you reasonably sure that the photo size is the problem?

Many, many people have experienced problems in Premiere Elements and in the Photoshop Elements slide show editor because of using many high resolution photo files. How many is too many is definitely impacted by system configuration - but posts appear with problems for 300 slides. I did notice that you did higher numbers of slides with PSE5/PRE3 but I wonder if everything else is the same now when you use v7. For example, do you now have a higher resolution camera or are you using scanned photos that have higher resolution? Or do you have less hard drive space available? And then there is the factor that v7 PE uses the Organizer and v3 PE did not.

However, there is no way that I can be sure that the hign rez photos are the only cause of your current problem. Or whether the number of photos is the problem. Does your computer have all the recommended specs for processing hi-def? See http://www.adobeforums.com/webx/.59b699a8

I can only suggest that you try the partial route for a single 75-100 photo segment. If you can get that single segment sent to Premiere Elements and exported from PE in the same format as the final output then I think the odds are good. Do note that if you did use pan or zoom within the show, then it will be desirable for this first test segment to contain pan and zoom.

%26gt;The other issue with resizing, which is why I haven't done it in the past either, is that I need the originals for prints and don't want to store duplicates of different sizes.

Well, I have just accepted that I need lower resolution copies of my photos in order to use the for video work. How I manage those multiple copies is a topic that I am willing to discuss - but for now I think it diverts too much from your current task.


Do you have the same Elements Catalog active in Photoshop Elements 7 and in Premiere Elements 7?


%26gt;It appears to get about 95% of the way through obtaining the media and transferring the individual pictures to the PRE7 Organizer when the fault ocurrs

That makes me wonder if you have the same or a different catalog. I am running with a different catalog in Prem Elem so I am not implying that either is a problem. However, if it is a different catalog, I would delete the thumbnails from the failed Send to Premiere Elements before trying the Send Slideshow of the partial.


I have done multiple edits of this post in order to send info to you as fast as possible because of your timeframe. However at this point I will stop editing within this post - so please do reread the entire post.


Thanks much again. Answers to your questions:

%26gt; Am using same camera and resolution

%26gt; Have only one slide with pan and zoom, and no scaling w/i PSE slideshow as this has been a problem in the past

%26gt; Same system (hardware) except internal disk drives have been upgraded to faster, larger drives (2 @ 500GB). One has the photo originals, the other is free.

%26gt; PRE7 is using a different catalog than PSE7, because PSE7 catalog has 29K photos in it. Took way to long to load, and most photos were irrelevant for PRE7 work.

One other note. I recently finished a quick and dirty HD slideshow w 1000+ hi res photos (many the same as I'm using here) using Nero 9 w/o any issue. However, Nero 9 functionality overall not good enough for this project...

Hi Joseph,

Saw your responses.

For your Premiere Elements project, would probably be good to use all the project files on your ''other' drive that is free. Set that in the Premiere Elements Preferences and then open a Prem Elem project including creating its specific folder on that other drive BEFORE you do the Send Slideshow of your partial slides.

Also be sure that you have cleaned up your Temporary Files while you don't have Photoshop or Premiere Elements active. The PSE Organizer uses Windows Temp files and I don't have any specific info about what the Premiere Elements does when it needs space for temporary files related to its Organizer processing.
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