Tuesday, December 6, 2011

PE7: Video has random quality problems...

Dear all,

I just purchased Premier Elements 7 in order to edit an interview into small segments.

After trimming the file, I go to SHARE in order to export files for viewing on computer.

Now, I have tried many different file types, such as wmv, avi, quicktime, flv - and all of them have the same issues. The rendering goes smooth but once I play back the file, I notice that there are parts of the video that have errors such as at one point, the video would do a mirror effect. Or at other times, patches of green boxes would show up all over the screen.

These errors are only there for a split second, but very very noticeable.

Note: The original master file is perfectly fine however.

Can someone please help and advise?


PE7: Video has random quality problems...
What format is your source file? You may need to convert it to DV-AVI.
PE7: Video has random quality problems...
Hi Paul,

The source file is in some format called .mod - it was made through a brand new JVC camera.

So should I be converting it all to DV-AVI first?

OK, While waiting, I converted my source file to DV-AVI, and still no joy. Still getting the same problems.

Uh oh. A JVC Everio, right? They can be a challenge to work with.

How did you convert the MOD file? If you're not using the right program with the right settings, you are going to have problems with your output.

Have you tried using the MOD file directly into a Premiere Elements project using the Hard Drive/Flash Drive Camcorder project preset?

Hi Grisetti Steve,

Yes, it is a JVC Everio model no. MG-335H

I converted the MOD file using default settings in Premier Elements. For example, putting the file into timeline, and then going to File-Export-Movie.

I am not sure about using project presets yet, how does that work?

Using Premiere Elements to convert your file won't work, of course, unless you're using the right project settings.

Start a new project and, at the option screen where you name your project, click on the Change Settings button. This will take you to an option screen of project presets. Open the folder for Hard Disk/Flash Memory Camcorders and choose the standard 48 khz option.

Load your MOD files into that project. You can even load a test clip in and File/Export/Movie from there (don't change any output settings) and check to see if it's giving you good results.

As I've said, Everio files are a unique challenge, but this should work if anything does.

Otherwise, here's more information on Everios from David Ezzy, from the FAQs at the top of this forum.


But before you use his advice (which was written for an earlier version of the software) see if that project preset alone solves your problem. Don't mix the two solutions.

Some people are deleting the ImporterFastMpeg.prm file that is in the Plug-ins folder. That will definitely fix problems with MOD files.

Instead of deleting the file, just add your initials or name to the end of the filename extension, such as ImporterFastMpeg.prm.seth. Don't try changing just the basename or moving the file somewhere else, because that won't work.

The path to that file on my machine is:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0\Plug-ins\en_US

Give it a try, if it doesn't work you can restore the name of the file.

This is a great solution, Robert! I'll tag it onto the FAQ.

I first saw this solution mentioned by Chuck who found out about it by John ''Twosheds,'' if I recall correctly.

Hi Robert,

Your advice really helped the fix my problem witht he quality issue. Thanks.

On the other hand, this Everio is still causing me problems, and now in the form of the aspect ratio of the videos.

Even tho I am recording in a 16:9 ratio, when being viewed on the computer, they have a very ''boxed'' ratio. I tried to fix the aspect ratio through Premier Elements, but instead of fixing the ratio, I am now getting black bars on the side to compensate. It's not really what a want.

Am I overlooking something?


It's not clear how you ''fixed'' the asspect ratio problem in Premiere Elements. And I don't know what project preset you are using.

You should have started with a widescreen project preset under the ''Hard Disk and Flash Memory Camcorders'' group. Make sure you pick the correct video standard (PAL/NTSC).

After you are in the workspace and have added your clips, to fix the aspect ratio problem, select the Edit tab and then the Project tab. Then right-click on the clip in the Project bin. There should be an ''Interpret Footage'' menu item that you can select from the popup menu. Select the 16:9 ratio for your video standard (PAL/NTSC).

Don't turn off Scale to Frame Size.

What settings did you select for Share? You need to pay attention to the pixel aspect ratio. If it is square (1.0) then you can't use 720x480 (NTSC) or 720x576(PAL). It would have to be a ratio of 16:9, such as 720x405.

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