Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are they messing with the forums again?

Ok, so what's up with the forums?

Didn't they learn the last time they tried to make changes?

Everytime I come back I have to log in, either all topics have flags, or none of the topics have flags, I keep getting asked for my Adobe ID and Password which when entered takes me to a 'Page Not Found' error.

So, what's up?
Are they messing with the forums again?
Well, I did finally get the Adobe ID thing to work and ended up back here. Hopefully this is going to go smoother than last time 8|
Are they messing with the forums again?
I still have to log in every time, this is not fun. Any way around having to log in every time I visit?

Chuck, have you been poking around your browser's privacy settings?

Read here http://www.adobeforums.com/webx/.59b7c637/

Yes... the forum software is changing... supposedly in April, but it seems that ''someone'' decided to do ''something'' to the cookie process Friday

I hit problems Friday after work... and it SEEMS that my Adobe cookies on my home machine are totally corrupted, since even this morning nothing is working properly (have to login every time, annoying secure/non-secure message every time I click a link, the back arrow on the keyboard doesn't work, have to click the back arrow in the browser with my mouse)

Here at work, where I shut down before the change on Friday and started up again this morning, everything works well

When I get home tonight I am going to delete all Adobe cookies and start over... I am hoping that will fix the various problems

%26gt;Chuck, have you been poking around your browser's privacy settings?

No, I haven't.

I just got booted out and had to log back in again during this post.

Everything started going bad on Friday, today it is worse.

I refuse to go through that same mess over again, I just won't come back if that is the way things are going to be.

And thanks John, at least I know that it isn't just me ;)


Friday night Pacific time was really bad for me and John Smith's reference did help to explain why.

Today I do still get the Secure messages but I can continue to stay logged on and post while I keep my browser session active.

I am running IE 7 on Vista Home Premium. I usually use Firefox, but am running IE on this laptop in order to be the same as a classroom machine.

Tell me about it Chuck :( Ever since I agreed to use my Adobe ID log-in a week or two back I have had to log-in every time I visit the forum.

Well, it seems that the changes are afoot.

At first, I was having problems with my Adobe ID, but got that sorted. After two days, I had my Adobe fora back. Now, it does require a Login for each session, though not for each forum. The cookies seem to have disappeared. Also, the URL's now come up as https://. The ''s'' sets security, so you have to click out of ''This site contains... '' I've redone all of my Favorites, but they keep opening up https://.

The good news is that the only ''red flags'' that I have are for new posts, and I CAN get into the fora.

The bad news is that now all of my Adobe product registration data seems gone, but I'll place a call to Adobe later in the week to try and sort that out.

Cannot wait until the real change over comes. I just hope that it turns out better than about 2 years ago!


Delete all of your Adobe cookies and start over

Here at home I had problems from Friday after work right through this morning

At work, which did not have the Friday mess, I logged right in this morning... I mean, I clicked the link and my existing cookie worked

I just deleted ALL Adobe cookies and have started over... so far, so good

Now I'm getting the irritating secure/insecure items prompt all the time.

Obviously it's groundhog day at Adobe again!

I had to go into Security settings and Enable ''Allow Mixed Content'' to eliminate that one...


Look at the URL in your browser. It will probably be, https://www.adobeforums.com///. Note the ''s'' in https:. Now, remove just the ''s,'' so that the URL is: http://www.adobeforums.com, hit Enter to go to that exact URL. Now, re-save this as a Favorite, or whatever your browser calls it. When prompted to overwrite, accept that. Now, you should arrive at Adobe Forums (whichever one you bookmark), without the pop-ups.

Good luck,


Be careful posting too. If the forum thinks you need to log in again, when it takes you to the log in page it also blows away whatever you were typing. I have gotten in the habit of highlighting my post and hitting CTL-C to copy it before clicking POST.... just in case. Saved me a couple times recently.


Yes, that one almost got me the other day. Luckily, Back got me to the reply screen, though I did have to go through a couple of ''Page Expired.'' I've also gotten in the habit of doing a Ctrl-c, since the server for Chowhound (a food %26amp; wine board, that I spend time on) has gotten into the habit of ''eating'' posts, before they can be sent. For that site, I now do almost all replies, and original posts in WordPerfect first (spellcheck is nice and better than Adobe's), then just Ctrl-a, Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v into the posting box. Now, when the server sends my work to byte-heaven, I still have the .WPD to post from.

Just to make people feel better, this subject is now common on most Adobe fora, in similar form to this one. One thing that has been suggested, re: the process of logging into the Adobe fora, with each session, has been to remove all Adobe cookies, and then log-in again to create the correct, new one. I'm giving that a try, and will report if it helps. At least the log-in seems to ''stay'' for a session. I've taken to just tabbing, when I go elsewhere, and leaving the connection to Adobe fora open.

Can't wait until the ''big change'' happens. I feel that there will be more fun-n-games. At least Adobe seems more atop the situation this time around, judging by all of the Adobe posts in various fora on what will happen, why and how. Also, they have asked for user input, something that did not seem to have happened two years ago.


Waddyawanna bet that if you make more than three posts per hour and/or fail to convert them to the proper format, the forum runs out of resources and freezes ;)



Well I did read that this time they are not going to try and combine the existing forums, they are going with a whole new package. That will probably be a better idea than what they tried last time 8o

I guess we will all find out over the next couple of months.

This is starting to get the best of me, will probably take a vacation from the Adobe forums until sometime in April ....... 8/

I deleted all cookies with Adobe in the title, but the I still needed login each time I accessed the forum. Then I deleted all cookies, including index.dat but no difference. My browser home page inserts 7 cookies, would you believe, but the forum page inserted none. I had to go through the secure/unsecure dialogue nonsense as well. My bookmarked URL starts http:// etc. not https://.


I'm with you too. Some of the P-Pro subscribers seemed to have better luck with the cookie deletion scheme. Didn't do it for me either. I passed along their rec., as I was trying it. Must work for some, but not others - and we are those ''others.'' Still, one log-in and I'm good to go for all fora. I just keep one tab open to Adobe all day.


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