I am now having a problem when attempting to add text. I tried adding text to a new project and get the message, ''Adobe Premiere Elements has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.''
I then opened a finished project and clicked the text on the screen and got the same message. So it occurs when trying to add new text or editing existing text. I have tried everything outlined in a post on what to try when you are experiencing problems.
The specs to my 2002 Sony VAIO are below. Yes, it is old, but has been a workhorse during the last several years producing literally hundreds of videos. Any help you can provide is much appreciated.
Windows XP Service Pack 2
P4 processor
2 gigs of RAM
PRE7 installed on C drive with 65 gigs free space
2 TBs storage space
Premiere Elements 7 crashes when...
First, go to Windows Update and download all the latest. You should be up to SP3 by now.
Then download the latest Quicktime, RealTek drivers and other firmware, per the FAQs at the top of this forum.
And make sure you're maintaining your computer so that your temp files are cleared and your hard drive is defragmented.
Most likely these will resolve your problems.
Premiere Elements 7 crashes when...
Thanks, Steve. I did fail to mention that my computer won't update at the MS site. I keep getting error messages there. I'm working on resolving that now, unsucccesfully.
Sam, I think that's a major reason for concern!
You definitely should contact Microsoft about this! It's possible you have an unauthorized load of Windows or you have a virus. Either way, it's a time bomb, and until you get it resolved, you could be in for some big trouble.
Whenever Titler fails/crashes, it is often a corrupt font(s). Both flavors of Premiere are very picky about fonts. More so than PS, AI or InDesign.
Two ways to go about finding if this is the problem:
1.) use a program, like Extensis Font Doctor, to test all fonts, and either repiar (most often it can), or delete corrupt fonts.
2.) remove half of the installed fonts, being careful to not remove any ''system fonts.'' Test. If it still errors out, remove half again, and so on. If you get to a point that all runs, reinstall fonts in bunches, and test. When you get to a crash situation, you have the group of fonts, where the problem lies. Now, you need to uninstall from this last group, one at a time, to narrow it down.
One corrupt font installed, can bring Premiere to its knees.
Good luck,
Bill may be right, however it seems that you need to correct the issue about not being able to talke Microsoft XP updates. This may resolve your problem, ot any otyer problem you have on your system.
Thanks for the replies, guys.
Steve, ''unauthorized load''? I'm not exactly sure what you mean but it was installed when I purchased my Sony computer in 2002 - it's legit. I have contacted Microsoft and they're supposed to be getting back to me with 24 hours; we'll see. I suppose a virus is always a possibility.
Bill, Thanks for the suggestion, I'm going to give that a whirl.
Johnny, I'm waiting for Microsoft to get back to me.
PRE7 worked very well for two months so I know my computer can run it; something obviously changed. I'll see what Microsoft comes up with. After I've exhausted all possible fixes, I will restore it to 'out of box' state. I've done that a few times when I've been unable to resolve problems. I hate doing it as it sucks up at least a day getting all of my programs re-installed.
I really appreciate the time you guys took to chime in. I'll post back and let you known how I end up resolving this problem.
When something works one day, but not the next, I look for what has changed. More often, than not, it's some program updating. Windows is famous for this, but then you can't update Windows, so that might rule it out.
First thing I'd look into would be Restore Points. I always run a Restore in Safe Mode, and when there is a problem, will go quite a ways back, then work up to the present.
If none of this works, then the virus/Trojan problem might loom more likely. Many of these can reside in Restore Points. When removing one, turning the auto Restore function OFF is usually advised. If you can locate such a nasty, then Google it. Chances are good that Norton, or others, will have a step-by-step way to remove it. It also seems that about 60% of all sites try to upload something nowadays, and much of it is not good. If you suspect any sort of infection, run your virus/Trojan sweeps from Safe Mode too. It will be slower, but more likely to uncover some problem. AdAware Search %26amp; Destroy offers a free version, and I usually keep it around, though I have many others. It seems to discovery things, that most other programs miss, with few false-positives. Even though I keep Norton, SpySweeper and StopZilla up, except when I am actually editing, and there is no Internet interaction, I'll do a Norton sweep in Safe Mode about once a week, just to be sure. Unfortunately, evil lurks right outside our door and some of it is tough to stop, find and disarm. The most benign sites often have little payloads, that can cause problems, if left ''untreated.''
Good luck,
Thanks for the reply. Microsoft got back to me and I have updated everything. The problem persists. It's going to be a long weekend. Thank you for your help.
What do you guys think about this? Just for the heck of it, I dragged and dropped the message box advising of an error and was able to work. I could even click on the text icon again without a second message warning coming up. I tried several functions and they all worked.
I've become accustomed to clicking 'send' so I didn't try just dragging it off the screen. Yes, there is obviously still a problem but what do you think about this strange behavior? Thank you.
I've seen the same behavior in a different version when burning to a folder or a disc. The error message isn't related to what you think it is. If you didn't dismiss the messagebox, but moved it out of the way, you could continue to burn a disc.
I solved the problem. It took a lot of time but I restored my hard drive, loaded up all of my programs and loaded PRE7 last. When I restored my hard drive, I downloaded and installed all MS updates first. That alone took over three hours.
I have a question; I have seen Steve's post on installing the additional content and have found other posts but I'll be darned if I can find the file. One post said they clicked on the install folder a second time after the initial install? When I did that it gave me a repair or remove option. The link it provides when the program opens is dead. I really searched and read before posting this.
Thanks again for everybody that offered suggestions. I'm glad I spent the time to start from scratch.
Glad you're up and running, Sam!
I've updated the FAQ on additional content. It now links to the KB article that links to the login screen that links to the page where you can download the additional content.
I've test driven it and it all seems to work.
You are the man - thanks, Steve!
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