Sunday, April 4, 2010

Premiere Elements 7 Can you simply add...

OK I'm used to pro edit systems but surely there's a painless way to grab a shot and stick it on the timeline as a cutaway without bringing it's associated audio track with it!!! (say I'm making a music video and I just want to drop mute shots onto the timeline, even when the shots I choose have audio associated with them)

Or am I missing a trick here?

Premiere Elements 7 Can you simply add...
J-cuts and L-cuts are very easy in timeline view, Steve.

You can't bring the clip in without an audio track, but it's easy enough to remove.

Just drag the clip to a track above your A-roll clip, right-click on it and select Delete Audio.
Premiere Elements 7 Can you simply add...
OK.... clunky and not as easy as it should be but I guess it's one way. It would be easier to be able to simply deselect the audio in the source window before you drag to the timeline... but hey... who am I?


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