Sunday, April 4, 2010

PE 7 - Offline media

When I open my project, my media shows in offline mode in the Monitor window even though it renders correctly in the Project view and on the timeline. If I click on the clips, sometimes they render in the window but mostly I have to do something to edit them (videomerge then undo or anything like that) before they will render correctly. It's very strange. I have tried everything that the standard tech support responses came up with including reinstalling the software and doing a limited startup. I have installed the latest video driver and the latest Quicktime. I am using Vista (tried both 32 and 64 bit - I have two partitions setup) - same result on both.

Machine is a Core Duo 2.66 with 4GB of RAM.
PE 7 - Offline media
Where are the files located? On an external drive?
PE 7 - Offline media
No, I had them on a firewire drive but then moved them to an internal drive not the boot drive but another SATA drive in the PC. Interestingly enough, if I click on one of the offending clips and apply something like videomerge and then undo it, the clip then shows in the window and all is well. Very strange.

That is strange.

Also, if I click on the clips in the media window and select Interpret Footage, they then render as well. Also seems like a video issue but I have updated both my drivers and the QuickTime software. For reference, my video is an ATI Radeon 1950 dual-head.

You can see clips in the media panel?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your problem completely! I thought you said the program was showing your clips as being offline?

Yes, I can see the clips in the media panel and on the timeline. It's the Monitor Window that is showing them as off-line.

That can't be right, John. If your clips are offline, you'll only see the double-arrow ''refresh'' icons in the media panel.

If you're seeing clips in the media panel and on the timeline but not in the monitor, then something else is going on.

Perhaps an outdated version of Quicktime. Or maybe, if the video came from a source other than a miniDV camcorder, a codec problem with the video.


Leave it to me to find the impossible! I can't be - but it is. I can actually show you a screen shot if you'd like. They show up in the timeline and in the media pane but in the Monitor window, I get the big red screen saying media offline. Also, in the Sceneline, they show the red screen also (but I don't use that view anyhow)

Now, ''most'' of the clips that this occurs on came from a JVC camera and are .mod files but also some still pictures (.jpg) so it as well as some of the titles generated from within Premier itself.

As for Quicktime, I have downloaded the most recent version right off Apple's site and it didn't change a thing. I have also downloaded the most recent video driver for my AVI card.

I'm thinking it's just possessed! Am happy to try anything you might suggest but it is a HUGE PITA to have to touch each of these clips everytime I open the project.

Uh oh. Sounds like dreaded JVC Everio issue! Those MOD files are notoriously problematic!

One of our regulars suggested this possible workaround.

Meantime, do ensure that your photos are no larger than 1000x750 pixels. That will help the program process them much more efficiently.

Yuck. I sort of thought they might be an issue. Problem is I've got a bunch of hours invested in getting these things all put together and sync'd with the audio track. Anyone have a great way to convert these things in place or otherwise get them back into the timeline in the exact same place?

There has been a suggestion to delete or rename the ImporterFastMpeg.prm file that's in the plug-in folder:

c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0\Plug-ins\en_US

If you rename it, you need to add a dot followed by your initials, like this: ImporterFastMpeg.prm.rjj

otherwise Premiere Elements may find the file anyway.

For files that you have already added to a Premiere Elements project, there was an index file created by ImporterFastMpeg that you need to delete. The files have .mpgindex for an extension. They are in a subfolder of where your project is saved, something like this:

...My Project\Media Cache Files\My Project.MACC

Excellent will try this.

In the mean time I can offer a quick and dirty workaround for anyone having this wierdness, at least this worked for me. When I open the project, I go to the media pane and select all of the media objects in there. Then I right mouse on one of them and select Interpret Footage. At that point, all my clips show in the monitor window and the world seems to be in order. Of course, when I close Premier and re-open I have to do it again but it beats the heck out of addressing them one at a time.

Hope this helps someone.


I have the same trouble with a french version of Premiere Elements 7.

It's very strange because the text ''media offline'' appears only in the monitor window, but the file exists in my hard disk, it has a green check in the ''modify'' task bar, and it is also in the ''organizer'' list.

(I'm sorry, but i m not sure if the translations ''modify'' or ''organize'' are correct. In french these button are named ''Modifier'' ans ''Organiser'')

It's also strange because, in my case, when I dble clik on the media inside the time line, then the ''Media OffLine'' text vanish from the monitor. But, if i move the ''cursor'' or if I move few images or play in the monitor, then the ''Media Offline'' appears again !!

Otherwise, I have the trouble for few titles I created using this program. And now, since yesturday, theses titles are replaced by this ''Offline'' text int the monitor even if i never moved any files in this project.

I have this strange trouble since I :

- use ''disk menus'' and add some ''menu marks''

- i include still pictures in my media directory.

(I dont know which of these actions could be related to my trouble)

I tried the previous tip (from Johnston).... But it doesn't work in my case !!!!

And I don't ve any ''.mpgindex'' files (But i ve ''.pek'' and ''.cfa'' files in the ''.MACC'' directory !!!

Have you any idea ?


Valery (from france)

I had a simmilar experience last week with PE7. The project was a HDV

1440/25 MPEG2 project.

When I reopened the project a title and some clips showed up in the monitor screen as offline.

The time line looked normal and the affected title and clips showed up normal in the project media library.

I deleted the affected media from the timeline and reinserted them from the project library which cured the problem

The project later rendered well and I was able to produce an HDV MPEG2 file for playback with my HD multimedia player

John - thanks a ton for the following advice: ''go to the media pane and select all of the media objects in there. Then I right mouse on one of them and select Interpret Footage''. I had the exact same problem as you in 4.0. I'd had an old project created under 1.0 a few years ago but it now longer plays on any dvd player. I installed 4.0 a while back and am now trying to re-burn those old projects that no longer play. I told Adobe where to find all the files and it did. However, I only had ''media offline'' problems with the still images (mostly titles, not mp3's, avi's, etc). If I double-clicked on them, they'd appear correctly in the Monitor window. If I right-clicked and selected ''reveal in media'', it was there (without the double arrow symbol that I know means Adobe doesn't know where it's at). When first trying to fix, I noticed if I moved an image in the timeline to a random location and then moved back, that specific file no longer showed ''media offline''. But I have tons of titles and was hoping I didn't need to do this one at a time. I found your fix online and tried it and it worked!

I neglected to mention the fix (Interpret Footage on all files) is only temporary. When you re-open the project the ''media offline'' errors are back. And it looks like I had problems on my avi files too, not just the titles.

I've been having the exact same problem as John Keefauver in PE7. Glad there is a ''temporary'' solution. Hopefully this will soon be fixed in an update.

Hello to all

I'm experiencing the MediaOffLine message issue since I upgraded from

PE 3.0 to PE v7.0. I had no problem at all w/ the previous version 3.0

Reading all the forum's comments, I do believe that this is simply a Adobe bug and has nothing to do with internal/external hardisk storage, drivers, quicktime, media source (camcorders, etc....)

I'm building a large/complex project (%26gt;1h45min) with Fix Images and lot of Titles inserted, properly rendered.

All the TITLES are rather standard and provided by Adobe PE software, so there are not even part of the media sources (rushes, jpeg etc...)

Closing and reopening the project makes the ''MediaOffLine'' red message appear in the Monitor panel.

It seems taht thisbug only occur with fix images and therefore TITLES are affected too !

My (easy%26amp;fast) workaround below:

- Open the project

- Move to the Editing Panel/Zone (not the Scene)

- Click on any grey area

- Select ALL Media Elements (hit ''Control A'' keys)

- Click right and Select ''Adjust Image''

- All OffLine media elements should be restored/refreshed (message disapeared

- Check it by moving the TimeLine cursor on one of them.

The above works fine so far in my case.

Hope this will help you guys (... and lady Valery...)


apply to

Hello to all

I'm experiencing the MediaOffLine message issue since I upgraded from

PE 3.0 to PE v7.0. I had no problem at all w/ the previous version 3.0

Reading through all the forum's comments, I do believe that this is definitely an Adobe bug and has nothing to do with internal/external hardisk storage, drivers, quicktime, media sources/formats (camcorders, etc....)

I'm building a large/complex project myself(%26gt;1h45min) with Fix Images and lot of Titles inserted, properly rendered.

All the TITLES are rather standard and provided by Adobe PE software, so there are not even part of the media sources (rushes, jpeg etc...)

Closing and reopening the project makes the ''MediaOffLine'' red message appear in the Monitor panel.

It seems that this bug only occurs with fix images and therefore TITLES are affected too !

My (easy%26amp;fast) workaround below:

- Open the project

- Move to the Editing Panel/Zone (not the Scene)

- Click on any grey area

- Select ALL Media Elements (hit ''Control A'' keys)

- Click right and Select ''Adjust Image''

- All OffLine media elements should be restored/refreshed (message disapeared

- Check by moving the TimeLine cursor on one of them.

The above works fine so far in my case. I'm still investigating...

Hope this will help you guys (... and lady Valery too...)



apply to

Same here - I get the media offline issue as well as Transtions not playing back. The transitions can be seen in the timelime but do not playback.

I did the Interpret Footage fix and that fixed both the offline media and transition issues.

I have not upgraded but just recently purchased version 7 - never used this product before.

I run Vista 64-bit Ultimate 4Gb Ram

Media files are on a seperate partition to the Operating system and the program

If you'd like some help, you might want to create a new thread rather than tagging onto a 3 month old closed thread.

Issue was posted to Adobe Support who suggested to read/apply their techNote #kb404999, with no effect.

In the meantime, I was able to identify/isolate and reproduce the issue.

Should you have similar cases, this could help some of you.

Below, my answer to Adobe:

Although remarks/advices of the techNote #kb404999 are rather pertinent, it didn't fix this pending issue which I have finally ident

ified and that can be reproduced at any time.

This ''MediaOffline'' (Titles + Still Images) bug occurs if you apply ''Inverted Speed'' reading together with ''Time Extension over/belo

w 100%'' (ex: -140%) to one of clip element (merged as an video2 element

Inverting Speed reading on one element is OK as long as you LEAVE speed at 100% (so, no ''Faster/Slower inverted clip reading)

Expecting Adobe to release a quick fix/update on PE7 MediaOffLine bug.



Sample project has been sent to Adobe showing the issue (Adobe case #0180834336)

Adobe could finally recreate the issue and the bug is now in the list though.

The bug can be created using ''invert video'' effect (time extension feature) with setting% other than 100% (lower/higher)

Applying this effect on any clip, then ''mediaoffline'' message come to any of your titles on images not on the main vid.track

Hope they will come with a fix.

THANK YOU!!!聽 They need to fix this ASAP!!!

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