1. Ive tried having PE on the Dell and the capture files on the Ex hard Drive (as this worked well for Premier) but now i have thousands of tiny files everywhere and each time i plug in the external hard drive PE7 cant find the MTS files. (in PP i pointed to one file inside the relevant folder it then found the rest.
2. After importing some videos from PC (As the import wizard didnt rec on the camera) (but they still play but now every file import is the same number. For example folder 1 has video numbered 001.mts,002,003, 004 etc BUT folder 2 also has files called 0001,0002,0003, 0004 so when PE7 starts up and cant find the files it says WHERE IS THE FILE 001.mts etc but it does not tell me what folder its from and i have many files called 0001.mts?????? If i direct it to the wrong folder it will completely muk up all my files. I cant risk pointed it to the wrong folder?????It also looks like IF i am lucky enough to find the right one that i have to re link ALL files doing the first one isnt enough to find all the others.... but there are hundreds if not thousands of files to find and if i happen to plug in a hard drive that is allocated another dirve letter then Im basically screwed.
3. ADOBE HELP SAYS to find an item on the HD go to file select the clip%26gt; chose file and get properties and not the path--but I have tried this and all it does is ask for where the file is It DOES NOT give the file name or path as help says it should.
4. CANT STACK always greyed out (ive read all help manuals and they go circular saying go to smart tags or scene detection (which is where??) and when i right click its greyed out%26gt;???
5. I would be delighted to see where these issues are addressed in the help manual as ive read every page more than once.???
Managing 1000s of files (AVCDH) %26...
For AVCHD you really need a quad core. I am surprised yoru converted files are jumpy... what AVI format are you converting to?.. a standard definition DV-AVI?? Are you simply doing File%26gt;Export%26gt;Movie? If so this should produce a DV-AVI that should play back smoothly. Is the converted AVI jumpy when played back on your computer after exporting?
Jumpyness on a DVD may be another issue... please calrify is a standard definition DV-AVI export is jumpy.
Not sure what you mean by Stack??? When you import the clips they should be in the Organizer. To find clips on an external hard drive point it to one and it will find the rest.
Managing 1000s of files (AVCDH) %26...
1. Ive tried having PE on the Dell and the capture files on the Ex hard Drive (as this worked well for Premier) but now i have thousands of tiny files everywhere and each time i plug in the external hard drive PE7 cant find the MTS files. (in PP i pointed to one file inside the relevant folder it then found the rest.
%26gt;%26gt; An external drive every time that it gets disconnected, it shows up like a broken link for the videos uploaded via the ext drive. Good thing is providing link for one video helps as it identifes the rest.
2. After importing some videos from PC (As the import wizard didnt rec on the camera) (but they still play but now every file import is the same number. For example folder 1 has video numbered 001.mts,002,003, 004 etc BUT folder 2 also has files called 0001,0002,0003, 0004 so when PE7 starts up and cant find the files it says WHERE IS THE FILE 001.mts etc but it does not tell me what folder its from and i have many files called 0001.mts?????? If i direct it to the wrong folder it will completely muk up all my files. I cant risk pointed it to the wrong folder?????It also looks like IF i am lucky enough to find the right one that i have to re link ALL files doing the first one isnt enough to find all the others.... but there are hundreds if not thousands of files to find and if i happen to plug in a hard drive that is allocated another dirve letter then Im basically screwed.
%26gt;%26gt; There is no actualy way to fix your problem. one way i would suggest is that when you use media downloader to extract the videos, you can customize the name of files/folders. this can help u in a way.
Hope this helps.
Wow i have thousands of files on over 20 folders therefore i have 20 file names called 0001.mts, 0002.mts and when i unplug the external drive and plug it back in the next day (maybe the drive letter changes)PE7 asks me to find the file 0001.mts but it wont tell me which folder it came from. if i chose the wrong folder then it will connect all the files in the wrong folder to it.
If i skip the 'find me' section on opening it bring up blank files in the the preview window - i can then go to the organise section and go to file properties to see the exact path it follows down nad selct and link it that way --- BUT -- once i find one file it does NOT auto find the rest - so it seems the only choice it so link all 1000 files manually(Prem Pro did it well why doenst PE7)
STACKING files : again this is a way to combine several files into one stack so you dont endo up wiht 1000s of file every time the on off button is used on the camera BUT when i chose seeral files on PE7 and right click to stack them the right click is greyed out????
AVI FILES JUMPY: i was hoping to at least turn the AVCHD files into AVI and then use them until such a time a laptop came out that worked but even the AVI file is jumpy. I just did File%26gt;Export%26gt;Movie but even the new AVI is jumpy so i dare not destroy the AVCDH and replace it with the AVI until i now what to do. Quad core - does this mean i cant use a laptop. Adobe also said you need an external hard drive that doesnt use USB or firewire but does this exist in a laptop???? the whole idea of AVCHD is to take away a laptop and downlaod the footage as you go. (I have a canon HF100 that records AVCDH onto SD card so i must download it each day.)
PE7 wont recognise the built in memory of the Canon HF100 it can only find the SD card - so i have to drag the folder out of the camera onto my hard drive - so the folder names are all different (as i change the name to reflect the subject and date) but the files inside are still called 0001.mts, 0002.mts etc. When importing these into PE7 there seems no way to rename them ( i know you can rename as you import from the camera but from the folder on a computer ther edoens t seem to be that option????) OR is ther a trick where by vista can rename 1000 files sequentially in each folder so i can have folder A files called A0001.mts, A0002.mts etc and folder B files called B001.mts, B0002.mts etc???
Andrew, this is really a lot of handle in a single thread on the forum. Some of the answers you seek are pretty complicated, and others would require us asking you a number of questions in order to answer them. And between that and trying to deal with half a dozen issues at the same time is pretty much impossible.
It might be wise to start with Adobe Tech Support and see if they can help you through your more immediate issues, and then let us know if you have specific questions that can be answered in a post or two.
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